

I grew up in Teton Valley, Idaho and once again call it home. I’ve written and produced gobs of TV spots, hordes of print ads, and even a funny radio spot for eBay that won the $100,000 grand prize for best radio spot of the year but no one listens to radio anymore so the joke’s on me.

Been lucky enough to work for some of the world’s best agencies on some of the world’s best brands. My work’s been recognized by Cannes, Communication Arts, the Andys, Radio Mercury Awards, and, of course, my mother.

I’ve also written four feature-length screenplays, one of which was produced (Christmas Eve, starring Patrick Stewart). Also wrote, directed, and produced 10 episodes of Nine Years to Neptune, a puppet/human sitcom for BYUtv. Launched a line of DIY children's books that failed miserably. Still scratching my head on that one. So it goes.

Interested in both freelance and full-time work. Ready to sink my teeth into the next big thing. I’m nimble, kind, and ready to roll. So in the immortal words of Carly Rae Jepsen…call me maybe?